A recording of the 4-28-2022 Plan Commission meeting has been posted and can be viewed here.
Author: Admin
4-14 & 21, 2022 Meetings Uploaded
The Board of Trustees meeting video for April 14, 2022 can be found here. The Board of Trustees Organizational meeting video for April 21, 2022 can be found here.
New Board of Trustees Begin!
Tonight our newly elected and re-elected Trustees for the Village of Elmwood Park began their two year terms. Please help us welcome back Trustee Brian S. Johnson, and welcome newly elected Trustees Kelli Stein and Lynda Studey!
Plan Commission Meeting 4-28-2022
The Village of Elmwood Park Plan Commission will be meeting 4-28-2022 at 6:00PM at Village Hall. An agenda for the meeting can be found here.