Mark your calendar for the 2015 village-wide rummage sale. Friday June 12, 8am – 4pm Saturday June 13, 8am – 4pm Call village resident and organizer for this year’s event Angie at (262) 598-8465 for more information or to let her know you’ll be participating. Disclaimer: this event is not sponsored by the Village.
Category: News and Alerts
Plan Comission Meeting Rescheduled
The plan commission meeting is cancelled for Monday May 4. The Commission will be meeting Thursday, May 14th at 6 pm.
Please Clean Up After Your Dogs
As a reminder, Village ordinances require cleaning up after your dogs*, prohibit dogs from being at large†, and require dogs carry a tag‡. * §11.03(10) † §11.03(5) ‡ §11.03(9)
Community-wide Rummage Sale June 12, 13
Organizing residents of the community-wide rummage sale in Elmwood Park have announced dates and times for 2015. Friday June 12, 8am – 4pm Saturday June 13, 8am – 4pm Call Angie at (262) 598-8465 for more information or to let her know you’ll be participating. disclaimer: this event is not sponsored by the Village.