The Village has been receiving numerous complaints about these issues. Please be courteous to your neighbor by following the ordinances. 13.02(2)(m) Animal Feces. Public and Private Property. It shall be unlawful for any person in immediate control of any animal to permit fecal matter which is deposited by such animal while off of its own…
Agenda Board of Trustees Meeting 01/11/18 6:30 p.m. Building 3
01-11-18 BOT Agenda
Board of Trustees Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017, 6:30 p.m., 3131 Taylor Avenue, Bldg. 3
12-14-17 BOT Agenda
2017 Electronic Tax Bills are now available on the county website!
To view and print your tax bill follow this link: Tax Bill Directions: Type your address by the magnifying glass in the upper left hand of the screen. Click on magnifying glass. Your screen will look like this – select 2017 taxes! Paper copies of the tax bills were mailed out on 12-06-17. Clerk office…